Monday, December 28, 2009

2009 Polk County Fair Cedartown Georgia

Here are the fruits of our labors. The fair is held in late September so it is a challenge to keep the vegetables viable until then. This year we surpassed last year and won 12 first places, 6 second and 1 honorable mention. My wonderful wife Debbie poses with her canning entries and that's me with the veggies.

The Farm Stand 2009

Here is our tomato display in mid to late June. We had five varieties this year: Celebrity, Big Mama's (plum), Mountain Fresh, Park's Whoppers, and Rutgers. All did well except the Rutgers which fell victim to late blight.

Here is a view of part of our Farm Stand at our barn. The time is early-June. Notice the onions hanging to dry. The squash and beans were finally producing well.

We use the 'Florida Weave' method of supporting our tomato plants. It is a lot easier to clean up at season end than cages. It works well for medium size tomato plants. Cages are necessary for the larger varieties like Park's Whopper for instance.

This year we tried some sweet onions. They were a great hit. Next year we are going to double the crop to 1200 plants. If all goes well we'll have onions by June 1, 2010.

The pole beans were also a great hit. We chose 'Rattlesnake Pole Beans', a local favorite.

The Year 2009

We were fortunate to get most of our vegetables in before the rains came in late April. Here are a few pictures of the garden in May.