Saturday, April 24, 2010

Updates April 24, 2010

The garden is starting to come together. The squash and cucumbers are coming up! These two are usually our first crop after spring onions.

The onions will be ready May 1. We have a limited supply of spring onions so shop early.

Some of you may remember the saga of the frozen cabbage plants. Freezing weather and 6" of snow seemed to doom them for sure. Well, fear not, here they are in late April.

The potatoes have finally started to come up. The cold rainy weather in March slowed them down. We are hoping for a good outcome in July.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April Showers

Well, we haven't had any rain for a while so it's time to catch up on my paperwork (digital also). We finally finished planting phase I of our garden during this dry spell. The light rain all day today will be just what the doctor ordered.

The tomatoes are in and adjusting to their new surroundings. In about a week they should perk up and get over the transplant shock. I need to get busy with the cages for the Better Boys and strings for the rest. This year we will have four major varieties of tomatoes from acidic to sweet. We should start getting tomatoes in early June.

The tomatoes in the foreground will have cages so that is why there is no plastic around them. This increases our weed control problem but it is necessary because the fruit of this variety is too heavy for the Florida weave. They will also produce up to the frost under ideal conditions. Last year almost everyone's tomatoes succummed to the late blight in the late season. Hopefully it will be different this year.

In the past two weeks we have planted okra, black diamond and congo watermelons, rocky ford and ambrosia cantalopes, and all of our tomato and pepper plants. The squash, green beans, and cucumbers are up and looking pretty good. They should be ready to pick at the end of May.

The cabbage and brocolli and looking very tasty. They should be ready for picking in late May.

We lost about 500 onions to the cold damp weather but the replacements are looking good. We expect a few to be ready in early June and the bulk to be ready by July 4th.

In a few weeks we'll be planting purple hull peas, October beans, and round two of cucumbers, squash, and green beans. That will do it until the fall planting. Until then it's weed, weed and weed.

We will open the farm stand about the third week in May on Tuesdays and Saturdays with cucumbers, cabbage, broccoli, and our very popular summer squash. Stop by to see us and get some authentic Home Grown Vegetables. They are always fresh and tasty.

p.s. I almost forgot about the corn. We cranked up the two row planter and did 8 long rows of sweet corn last Sunday. We are keeping our fingers crossed. Last year's corn was a total flop but with the addition of a ton and a half of lime we are expecting good things.