Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 15, 2010

Well, Things are rolling along. The onions are selling well even though we haven't started fixed hours. The tomatoes are looking GREAT! I'm so relieved that we haven't suffered any maladies yet. We expect red tomatoes by the first or second week in June. We will have five varieties of tomatoes: Celebrity (my favorite), Better Boys, Mountain Fresh, Rutgers, and Plum.

Pictured here are our early squash and cucumbers. Since I took this picture two days ago they have almost doubled in size. I had three plants fall victim to squash vine borers but a quick spray should stop that.

Here are some more pictures for those interested.

Broccoli and Cabbage on the right, Celebrities on the left

Bush Beans and Onions

Hilled Potatoes

And finally Corn. Hope the rain holds up. We need some now!

Stay tuned for new news regarding High Tunnels. It needs a post of it's own :)